Devaux Bank

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Deveaux Bank is a small sandy island which sits sitting in the mouth of the North Edisto River,  South Carolina.

It’s an essential stopover site for up to to 20,000 Whimbrel, and up to 50 other species of shorebird. Yet with rising sea levels and human developments, the area is now under threat.

Together with the Cornel Lab of Ornithology, 422 South’s team of gps data experts created a series of data animations, to show the movements of a handful of feeding Whimbrel.  The gps tracks were timed to coincide with the movement of the tides, as shell rakes and sand bars (essential feeding grounds for the Whimbrel) are revealed at low tide.

The film was directed and edited by Andrew Johnson and Tom Swartwout from the Cornel Lab of Ornithology.  And you can read more on the subject in this article: 20,000 Whimbrel Take Refuge on a Tiny Island


Whimbrel feeding at Deveaux Bank
Video Duration